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Shifts of different time of duration


Do you often use shifts of varying durations? Are you dealing with the start and end times of the shifts, and are they making you constantly creating new shifts in the shift dial? This is no longer necessary.

In the Shift plan agenda, you can type in the boxes the beginning and the end of the shift you want to plan instead of the shortcuts (such as “M” for the morning shift). That is, “8-12:30” (without spaces). GIRITON will create a new shift plan that will not show elsewhere in the menus, but will serve only to that person on that specific day.
This will be particularly useful for companies that plan their human resources very operationally, and the predefined lengths of shifts are not appropriate for them.

In addition, you can change the particular shift the user has planned for a day not only from the Shift Plan agenda, as it has been, but also from the “Attendance and Attendance-overview” agenda on the right side of the “Shift” tab. In the case of minor adjustments, it may be more convenient than through the Shift Plan agenda.

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