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Summer through the eyes of HR: Managing Employee Holidays and Temporary Work


Although most HR professionals look forward to summer relaxation and rest, the holidays are one of the most challenging times of the year for some companies in terms of HR management. Employees take vacations, students take on temporary jobs and internships, and requests for time off due to events like weddings can further complicate matters. As a result, summer turns into a rather busy period for HR, with constant problem-solving. However, there are ways to make your job easier. For example, you can use a modern attendance and HR system to help.

Managing Holidays: Who Can Go on Holiday and When

Requests for time off present a particular challenge for HR departments and managers in the summer. It's essential to give employees a break while ensuring that key people are always present and that the organization runs smoothly over the holidays.

The GIRITON attendance system can significantly ease this task. Employees can check their remaining vacation days directly in the system (whether on the web, at punch clocks, or in the app) and thus do not need to ask the HR department. Managers can set various limits in the system. GIRITON will ensure, for example, that not all managers are on vacation at the same time or that there is always at least one senior warehouse worker present. All leave requests are handled by both employees and their superiors within the attendance system, ensuring all necessary information is in one place; clear, easy to find, and transparent.

GIRITON Attendance helps you track arrivals, breaks, and departures. You can also use shift planning, request notifications, exports to payroll and other company systems, and many other features.

Paid Time Off for Weddings: Only for the Bride and Groom or Also for Witnesses?

A special type of paid time off that employees often request during the summer months is for weddings. However, in many countries by law, only the bride and groom are entitled to time off with pay. They can take a total of two days off, with the ceremony taking place on one of these days. Therefore, if they marry on a Saturday or Sunday, they are only entitled to one day off. If the employee is attending their child's or parent's wedding, they are also entitled to time off. However, this is unpaid leave, and they will not receive pay for that day. In all other cases, the employee must take leave or make arrangements with the supervisor for unpaid leave.

Managing Employee Holidays and Temporary Work

Holiday Jobs and Internships

Summer is a time when temporary workers often help out in organizations, and students complete their internships. The GIRITON HR system can help you to select suitable temporary workers by maintaining a database of applicants by position. In addition to personal data, you can write notes on candidates and attach CVs or links to their cover letter or LinkedIn profile.

Holiday workers are often young people with minimal work experience. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the senior worker who will be training them is not on leave during their start period. GIRITON Attendance's integration with your calendar, showing an overview of holidays, will help with this.

Digitize your HR processes with the GIRITON Attendance system and GIRITON HR system. They will make your job easier, automate boring and routine tasks, and alert you to important deadlines. What can GIRITON do for you?

While it might seem that many companies switch to a relaxed mode in the summer, the opposite is true. It takes a lot of effort and planning to make everything work as it should, which usually falls on the HR department and company management. But with our Attendance and HR system GIRITON, you can put many things out of your mind because they'll take care of them for you. Plus, you can access your data anytime, anywhere, so you can relax over the holidays without wreaking havoc in the company. Any problems can be solved with a few clicks from the beach.

We’d be happy to show you the attendance or HR system in action. You can schedule a demonstration through the form, by calling +420 728 543 275, or by emailing

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